5 easy tips to lose belly fat

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Have you been trying to reduce belly fat lately? It is quite a task, we all know.

It takes a lot of effort and determination to reduce belly fat and fit back into your old pair of jeans. But nothing is impossible if your spirits are high. If you exercise regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle, those extra bulges will definitely subside.

To help you further, here we list 5 easy tips to burn that belly fat faster.

Yoga is utterly beneficial for your mental and physical well-being. Among an array of health benefits, yoga also helps reduce belly fat. There are several yoga asanas that are known to aid weight loss and belly fat reduction.

Naukasana, Bhujangasana, Kumbhakasana, Ustrasana and Dhanurasana are a few asanas that you can pratise regularly to bid bye to those extra inches.


Avoid the intake of sugar and sweetened drinks. Excess sugar consumption is one of the major causes of weight gain. Say a strict no to sweetened beverages, sodas and fruit juices. Also, limit the consumption of desserts, candies and chocolates. You can, however, eat whole fresh fruits.


Protein intake plays a significant role in your weight-loss journey. Eating a protein-rich diet makes you feel full for longer and keeps cravings at bay. Some of the best sources of protein that you can add to your diet are eggs, chicken, fish, nuts and legumes.

Protein also helps you retain muscle mass during weight loss.


Start your day with morning drinks that add weight loss. There are several morning drinks that you can consume on an empty stomach to reduce belly fat quickly.

Some of the drinks that you can try are – honey and lemon water, jeera water, saunf water and green tea with mint leaves.


A high intake of carbs is also associated with weight gain and belly fat. Hence, it is suggested to reduce carb intake, especially refined carbs, and add whole grains, vegetables and proteins to your diet instead. Reducing the carb consumption in your diet is one of the best ways to reduce belly.

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