Tips to Maintain Sexual Wellness And Hygiene Amidst The Pandemic

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Sexual health and wellness are defined as a state of physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual dimensions in relation to sexuality.

Sexual intimacy has always been stigmatized and people are not willing to talk openly about their sexuality. Sexual health problems have also got aggravated amidst the current pandemic due to various reasons.

One of the primary reasons is increasing stress due to factors such as jobs, work-life balance, financial challenges, lack of socialization, and strained relationships among others. Stress directly affects our hormones and mood and takes away a person’s libido thereby affecting the quality of time of the couple.

It can also cause you to indulge in smoking or alcohol consumption which in turn can adversely affect sexual performance. These can lead to problems such as erectile dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Erectile Dysfunction, reduced libido, and male fertility because it is a man’s thing.

Issues that affect sexual health:

  • Reproductive system disorders including cancer
  • Infertility problems
  • Urinary system problems and urinary tract infections
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Painful intercourse, and loss of sexual desire

Sexual hygiene is as important as keeping your other body parts clean as it helps reduce the risk of contracting an infection and at the same time enhances your overall health. Unfortunately, only a few people are aware of sex hygiene, which can help protect both men and women from infections like urinary tract infections.

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