Want To Be A Great Lover? Eight Unique Sex Tips for Men To Wow Their Partners

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Want To Be A Great Lover? Eight Unique Sex Tips for Men To Wow Their Partners

Sex may permeate our popular culture, but conversations about it are still associated with stigma and shame in Indian households. As a result, most individuals dealing with sexual health issues or trying to find information about sex often resort to unverified online sources or follow the unscientific advice of their friends.

To address the widespread misinformation about sex, News18.com is running this weekly sex column, titled ‘Let’s Talk Sex’, every Friday. We hope to initiate conversations about sex through this column and address sexual health issues with scientific insight and nuance.

Most sensitive men want to satisfy and please their partners sexually. However, it isn’t always an easy task, especially if they do not communicate with their partners and do not know what they desire in bed. The quality of intercourse varies with a number of factors, from mood to energy level to location. However, most phenomenal sex goes beyond physical techniques and establishes an emotional connection between two people. So, as you begin cosying up with your significant other, it is important to think about orgasms but not focus on orgasms exclusively. Go ahead and work on the unique ‘techniques’ you’ve developed and think about sex positions, but also don’t forget to make

With that in mind, here’s a list of eight unique sex tips for men to be great in bed.

Use Your Mouth

No, not like that (trust me, we’ll get to that soon). We’re talking about using your words. Communication is key to any satisfying sexual encounter. Be open with your partner about what you desire and prefer in bed. Either talk about it beforehand or use body language to guide your partner to what feels best. Remember, you can’t give them a good time if you don’t know what they’re craving, to begin with.

Take Sex Out Of The Bedroom

Surveys suggest that people tend to have more sex when on vacation than when they are at home. Of course, not all of us enjoy the luxury of travelling whenever and wherever we want, especially with the current social climate. So start small. Get it on in the living room. Or even head into the shower together. Minor shake-ups in the routine can have a huge impact on your attitude towards sex.

Do Some Sex Homework Together

Bringing new ideas into the bedroom can be a little intimidating. Do yourself a favour and invite your partner to join you on that quest. Watch some porn together. Read some erotica. Talk about what’s out there and discuss what seems appealing to your both. In that way, you and your partner can both avoid the fallout from any awkward rejection.

Sexting Is Still An Effective Tool

Sex does not begin and end in the bedroom. Do your best to keep sexual communication up throughout the day, especially if you have plans to get it on after work. Send out a sexy text around lunch. Forward over a suggestive meme. Let your partner know you’re thinking about them in that way, even when you’re apart. Flirtation is important to maintain within a relationship. It’s a fun way to punctuate the day. Hold on to that energy when at home and when not.

Try Different Kinds Of Orgasms

This sex tip is oft-overlooked by men. Guys tend to gravitate towards penile orgasms, though it is important to point out that other pleasure centres exist and are located throughout the human body. The more open-minded you are, the more pleasure you might enjoy. There are all kinds of orgasms — be it oral, anal, or far that matter blended orgasm — and as long as you and your partner are on the same page, you should explore and experience many new kinds of sexual pleasures.

Don’t Forget About Sexual Hygiene

Sex is supposed to be a little messy, but there are limits to how gross you should get. If you and your partner are both fluid-bonded and monogamous, then you don’t necessarily need to worry about condoms and STIs, but that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. Make sure to wash your hands before and after getting busy. The last thing you want to do is introduce any bacteria to your partner’s intimate areas. And hey, it doesn’t hurt to have a clean penis, either.

Keep Up a Healthy Masturbation Routine

Sex is an incredibly important aspect of any relationship. But even when in a relationship, it’s important to maintain a healthy sexual relationship with oneself. So do yourself a favour, and carve out some time in your day for solo sex.

Don’t Forget About Aftercare

It’s important to remember that sex doesn’t end after an orgasm. Embracing your partner after is also part of the process. A nice cuddle helps communicate intimacy and affection, and those are two very important things to prioritize in any relationship.

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