Saturn and its effects in different Signs by Nandinnie Sachidanad

Om Sham Shanishraya Devta Namah

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To judge Shani, it is always advised to look at the DEGREE. 0-3 degrees: Very WEAK (BOTH POSITIVE &NEGATIVE EFFECT). Delays EVERYTHING TILL 36

3-10 degrees: MEDIUM effect / 10-18 degree: STRONG EFFECT /19-24 degree: MOST POWERFUL SATURN (BOTH NEGATIVE & POSITIVE) /25-30 degree: OLD SATURN

Note: PROBLEMS CREATED BY SATURN IN 19-24 DEGREE are EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to resolve unless supported by a very POWERFUL & Positive Saturn in NAVAMSHA

Disclaimer: Views expressed below are my own findings and opinions. I DO NOT WISH OR INTENT to neither CHALLENGE nor offend anybody’s views or any traditional texts

Saturn in Aries ( Neech/Debilitated )
This Saturn is MANDA, DEAD. This can lead to LATE settlement in marriage & later success (after 38) in professions like Lawyer, Doctor, and Professor. The intensity of Problems created by this Saturn depends on the degree.

For this Saturn placement, wear Blue Amethyst in 7 Carat in silver. NEVER DONATE ANYTHING RELATED TO SATURN like Iron, Black Cloth, Black Dal, Mustard Oil. NEVER DRINK ALCOHOL FOR FREE, ALWAYS PAY FOR YOUR DRINKS

Saturn in Libra:
This Saturn is Exalted. It can be BOTH, POSITIVE EXALTATION & NEGATIVE EXALTATION. Here, there is a catch,
If this EXALTED Saturn is placed in 6,8,12 then it will follow two paths :

Whatever it will GIVE BEFORE 36, is TAKEN AWAY AFTER 36 OR VICE VERSA / GENERALLY THIS SATURN IS A TAKER BUT AFTER 37, IT SUDDENLY TURNS INTO GIVER / If this Saturn is placed in GOOD HOUSES WITH strong degree, then MAUJA HI MAUJA / The problems given by this Saturn CAN BE RESOLVED AFTER 36

Saturn in Capricorn:
BUT Generally, here, it gives Very Good Materialistic wealth and success in jobs requiring HARD WORK such as High Paying Private Jobs
Note: This Saturn is placed in the 1st house in Navamsha and the 7th house navamsha is Capricorn, then it gives SPLENDID marriage after 36

Saturn in Aquarius:
Aquarius is the POSITIVE SIDE OF SATURN. This is the position, where it gives TREMENDOUS SUCCESS IN BUSINESS & SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEURSHIP. But, it has to be in a STRONGER DEGREE and has to be placed in 7,10,11 houses+ SUPPORTED BY VERY POWERFUL NAVAMSHA PLACEMENT OF SATURN. Keep in mind, that Saturn has to be placed in both Lagna & Navamsha in VERY STRONG POSITIVE PLACEMENT

Vedic Astro Tantrika – Nandinnie Sachidanad can be contacted at +91 81782 12102 for consultation with a prior appointment.

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