5 immunity boosting winter foods to add to your diet

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As winters approach, our food preferences also tend to change. Instead of juices, salads, shakes, we start to crave more for warm soups, stews and soothing herbal teas.

Our body has to do additional work of generating heat to keep warm during the cold months and this is the reason our chances of having deep-fried, junk food, and sugary food also increase.

Winters are also the time when our body becomes less efficient in fighting viruses and bacteria which is why we have higher chances of catching flu, Covid-19, respiratory infections among others.

It is important to fuel your body with the right nutrients so that we can protect it from a series of winter illnesses. A combination of some winter herbs and spices, citrus fruits and protein-rich foods can help shield from many diseases during the weather.

There is not dearth of winter foods that are delicious as well as healthy and that includes makki ki roti and sarso ka saag, gajar ka halwa, stuffed ragi roti and Bajra khichdi.

“Our immune system gets affected mostly by lifestyle habits like improper dietary habits, lack of physical activities, lack of sleep and stressful work profile. It also has some impact during the weather changes.

However, during winters, we usually have hard time with our immune system. The reason behind is that the weather being cosy and windy, the body becomes lazy and lethargic leading to weak immunity.

Winters also bring along many viruses, infections, and allergies. It is important to concentrate more on the immunity boosting foods which increase our white blood cells and prepare more of the antigens in the body to fight the various illnesses making us stronger, healthier and active to enjoy the cold yet cosy weather,”

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