All You Need To Know About Sepsis: The Global Health Emergency By WHO

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Sepsis is a global health problem affecting millions of people around. According to the World Health Organization.

This “is a syndromic response to infection and is frequently a final common pathway to death from many infectious diseases worldwide.” In 2017, the WHO declared sepsis a global health priority.

Calling it a global burden the international health organization has mentioned a study published in Lancet has estimated that in 2017 there were 48.9 million cases and 11 million sepsis-related deaths worldwide. This makes it almost 20 percent of all global deaths. Of these almost half occurred among children. An estimated 20 million cases and 2.9 million global deaths in children under five years of age.

Another study published in the Indian Journal of Applied Research worked with 50 patients from Asram Medical College and Hospital’s intensive care unit. The researchers found that the disease was high in elderly patients between the age of 65 and 74. The males comprised 74 percent of the cases and there were 26 percent females.

The mean age of 54.68 years, 40 percent were diagnosed with sepsis, 44 percent had severe sepsis and 16 percent were diagnosed with septic shock. The mortality rate was found to be nil for sepsis, 31.8 percent for severe sepsis and 75 percent for septic shock. Overall, there was a 26 percent morality at the end of 28 days of follow up from the date of diagnosis of sepsis.

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