Want to reduce hangover pain? Study suggests work out regularly

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There are so many hangover cures available – from having a glass of booze to cure it, to consuming a greasy breakfast or taking a bath.

A recent study, led by Athalie Redwood-Brown and Jen Wilson, Nottingham Trent University states that physical exercise might be a cure for hangovers. The study was conducted on 1676 undergraduate students who had at least one hangover in the last three months.

The study involved a questionnaire to understand the alcohol consumption patterns, physical acidity levels and frequency and severity of the hangover of these participants. They were also asked to perform at least 30 minutes of physical activity per week.

Results of the study:
The results demonstrated that the severity and frequency of hangovers was directly proportionate to the amount of alcohol consumed. However, it was further noted that the severity of these hangovers significantly reduced in people who engaged in vigorous physical activity – such as running – on a regular basis. This further emphasised that higher levels of exercise can reduce the severity of hangovers.

How exercise helps in reducing hangover symptoms?
Modulates pain response: Hangovers are associated with headaches, muscle aches and pain sensitivity. However, exercise can help in the release of endorphins that can act as natural painkillers for the body and lower the perception of pain.

Better quality sleep: Hangovers were related with poor quality sleep – however, exercise can induce better sleep and improve the sleeping patterns.

Improved metabolism: Regular exercise can improve the overall metabolism of the body, further leading to better processing of alcohol.

Reduces inflammation: Alcohol has an inflammatory response for the body – while, exercise has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce hangover-related discomfort.

The study further noted that while exercise can improve the symptoms of hangover, t is not a cure. The best way to avoid hangovers is to drink in moderation, or avoid alcohol consumption altogether.

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