Skincare Follow these simple tips for healthy and glowing skin

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We all want to look our best during the festive season. To get that much-needed festive glow and prevent dull-looking skin, you need to take holistic care of your skin.

While we often reach out to skin products and remedies for our skin woes, it’s not always enough. According to experts, it’s essential to take care of what is going on inside the body as well.

“When you are physically, mentally and spiritually balanced, you get a very healthy and glowing skin. Everyone wants healthy-looking skin during the festival, so follow these simple tips to maintain the glow,” Ayurvedic expert Dr Nitika Kohli said.

Stay mentally happy and positive. Don’t let yourself down even if you are not in party mode. Keep yourself mentally up and energetic.

Stay in touch with your spiritual connection, whatever it is that you have developed.

“Your skin is a direct reflection of what is going inside you. So, stay positively happy, eat healthy and keep exercising at the right time,” she concluded.

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