Former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday slammed the BJP for failing to protect the people of the country in the wake of Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan being stabbed inside his home in Bandra earlier today.
“A gangster sitting in a Gujarat jail is acting fearlessly. It seems like he is being protected,” the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief said in a reference to gangster Lawrence Bishnoi lodged in Gujarat’s Sabarmati jail. The Bishnoi gang has been connected to last year’s attack on Salman Khan’s residence and murder of former Maharashtra minister and NCP leader Baba Siddique.
“It is a matter of concern that such a big actor who lives in such a safe place is attacked in his house. This raises questions about the state and Central governments. Earlier, Salman Khan was attacked, Baba Siddiqui was killed. If the government cannot provide security to such big celebrities, then what about the common people? The double-engine government can neither provide good governance nor security to the people,” he added.
Further intensifying his attack, the former Chief Minister said the BJP was also unable to protect the India-Bangladesh border. “If they are not able to do it, they should resign.” “I appeal to the Centre to stop dirty politics and work towards providing security,” the AAP chief noted.
Earlier in the day, Kejriwal had tweeted, saying that he was “shocked to hear about the attack on Saif Ali Khan”.
Saif Ali Khan was stabbed at least six times after an intruder entered the actor’s residence in an attempt to commit a burglary in the early hours of Thursday. The Mumbai Police have identified the accused, and said the latter entered the premises via the fire escape.
The 54-year-old actor is out of danger and is recovering at the Lilavati Hospital after undergoing surgery. The police have formed 10 teams to arrest the accused who is currently on the run.