Anulom Vilom: Common Mistakes That People Make

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For many of us that are seeking holistic wellness, yoga has become a lifestyle over time.

An essential component of this practice is a particular kind of Pranayama, anulom vilom. To perform this breathing technique, keep one nostril closed while inhaling and when exhaling, keep the other nostril closed. It is also known as “alternate nostril breathing” due to the repetition and reversal of the procedure.

Although it seems like an easy breathing exercise, there are some common mistakes that people often make. Since it is important to perform the exercise correctly to enjoy optimum results, yoga trainer Juhi Kapoor dropped a post on Instagram on the right way to do Anulom Vilom.

Moving the entire hand for closing the nostrils instead of using the Vishnu mudra

Lifting their elbow way too much instead of comfortably pointing it to the floor.

Moving the entire body. The focus should only be on moving the belly and nothing else.

Pressing the nose too hard.

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