Army’s emergency drone procurement to detect build up behind enemy lines

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The Indian Army, looking at boosting the drone capabilities amid a growing threat from China at Line of Actual Control (LAC), will purchase 1,000 surveillance copters and 80 mini remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) systems.

This is being done under the fast track procedure for emergency procurement, and the Ministry of Defence has issued a separate request for proposals (RFP) for prospective bidders who fulfil the requirements.

“The current dynamic and volatile situation along the northern borders and Line of Control warrants seamless surveillance. For surveillance needs of the Indian Army, expeditious procurement of surveillance copters for meeting urgent operational requirements is an operation imperative, where undue/unforeseen delay is seen to be adversely impacting the capacity and preparedness of the Indian Army,” the RFP said.

Both the platforms will be essential to carry out day and night, real-time reconnaissance and surveillance and provide high resolution imagery to enable target detection, recognition, identification, and accurate location of adversary’s built-up gun positions, movement of troops and vehicles during border management tasks, and active operations.

The systems will provide high-resolution imagery to enable target detection, recognition, identification, and accurate location of adversary’s location/build up, location of mortars/guns, and movement of troops and vehicles during border management tasks and active operations.

Surveillance copter will provide aerial surveillance capability and sustained point surveillance for the Indian Army. Mini-remotely piloted aircraft systems will be critical for enhancing the accuracy of artillery fire in high-altitude areas.

“The system with night visibility and target acquisition capability is an ideal multi-sensor system to carry out day and night, real-time reconnaissance, surveillance, and direction of artillery fire on an area of interest in a high altitude area at artillery unit level,” the RFP said.

The systems will be a big boost to Indian Army’s artillery at the LAC. Since the tussle in Ladakh, the army has inducted Dhanush Gun system, K-9 Vajra, and Ultra Light Howitzers along the Chinese frontier, giving a push to artillery capabilities.

Deployments of modern rocket systems like Pinaka has added punch to the long range capability of artillery firepower. To enhance the accuracy and efficacy of artillery firepower, there are plans to have UAVs that will add abilities to look across. Sources said they are looking at 15-20 km in the short range category with an endurance of 75-120 minutes.

“The Smerch rocket launcher system has a range of 90 km and Pinaka’s extended range is 75 km, so we must have the capability to observe post-strike damage to 70-90 km,” said a source privy to the information. The drone will have vertical take-off and landing capability, not needing a runway.

India has deployed the Pinaka and Smerch rocket launcher systems along the China border.

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