Former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal made a major announcement on Monday (December 30), promising a monthly salary of Rs 18,000 for priests of temples and granthis of gurudwaras.
If Aam Aadmi party (AAP) comes back to power in the upcoming elections. Addressing a press conference, Kejriwal said, “Priests and granthis have been the custodians of our religious customs, serving society selflessly. Unfortunately, no one has ever taken care of their financial well-being.”
Kejriwal stated that registration for the scheme will begin tomorrow, and he will personally initiate the process at the Hanuman Temple. “I request the BJP not to create hurdles in the registration process. Blocking this will be akin to committing a sin as they are our bridge to God,” he added.
This announcement by Arvind Kejriwal is a continuation of his welfare schemes for the people of Delhi. He first announced the Sanjeevani scheme for senior citizens, then the Mahila Samman Yojana, and now the monthly salary scheme for priests.
Under the Sanjeevani Yojana, AAP claimed to provide free healthcare for the elderly above 60 years of age while the Mahila Samman Yojana would provide Rs 2,100 in assistance for women.
In the same press conference, Kejriwal sharpened his attack on the BJP over allegations of illegal Bangladeshi and Rohingya voters in Delhi.
“Stop the drama and arrest Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri. He has all the data about where Rohingyas have been resettled or rehabilitated. If the BJP knows so much, why aren’t they taking action?” Kejriwal said.
Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri on Sunday (December 29) had dismissed the Aam Aadmi Party’s allegations of operating “Operation Lotus” in Delhi for voter manipulation and challenged the notion that Rohingyas, whom AAP has accused the party of settling in Delhi for votes, would ever support the BJP.
Delhi Assembly elections are scheduled to be held before February 2024.