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Health & Wellness

Can An Active Sex Life Help You Lose Weight?

Weight loss is a common concern for many, and people explore various avenues to achieve this goal. Artika Singh, a public health and gender anthropologist, and sexuality educator, suggests that intimacy between partners can serve as a form…

Why you should workout with an exercise ball

We all have our own routines when it comes to fitness. While being consistent is the key, variety helps you stay committed. One such pertinent routine that you should incorporate is working out with an exercise ball. Exercise balls,…

Can Walking 15,000 Steps Daily Boost Life Span?

Walking is indeed healthy and can have numerous benefits for overall health and well-being. Walking is a low-impact exercise that most people can incorporate into their daily routines without needing specialised equipment or facilities.…

Best foods to have before and after a Yoga session

Diet and Yoga have an intricate connection. Eating the foods that energise you and put your mind in a right frame before your Yoga practice can help enhance it. Light and easily digestible foods must be preferred to high-calorie snacks to…