Climate change threatens 40 percent of deep sea species, rising temperature threatens twilight zone

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The effect of rising average temperature due to climate change is reaching the deep ocean as well.

Researchers have warned that 20 to 40 percent of species found in the ocean’s twilight zone could be lost by the end of this century due to the effects of climate change.

Explain that the area of ​​depth of 200 to 1,000 meters in the sea is called twilight zone. Researchers from some UK universities have come together to assess the impact of climate change on marine life. He said that in the event of high emissions, the way marine life will be affected in the next 150 years, it will not be compensated for several thousand years.

It is known that very little external light reaches the twilight zone of the sea, but many species are found here. Also there are billions of tons of organic matter here. The researchers said that very few studies have been done about the twilight zone, but based on the experience of history, the future can be predicted.

Professor Paul Pearson of Cardiff University said that during the study, the evidence obtained for two warm periods on Earth five million years and 15 million years ago was analyzed. The species present in the twilight zone have taken millions of years to evolve. This zone acts like a freeze. Now, due to climate change, the way the temperature is rising, they are in danger.

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