Environment Council Agrees On General Approach For Nature Restoration Law

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The EU environmental and climate ministers adopted a general approach on a proposal for a regulation on nature restoration at their meeting in Luxembourg on 20 June.

The ministers also discussed two other Commission proposals: an amendment to the regulation on CO2 emissions from heavy-duty vehicles and a recast of the air quality directive.

“The Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU has worked hard to strike the right balance and has listened carefully to all Member States’ views on the proposals. I’m glad that we found a way to bring this file to a general approach. Hopefully, the final nature restoration law will allow us to rebuild a healthy level of biodiversity, fight climate change and meet our international commitments.”

Romina Pourmokhtari
Minister for Climate and the Environment

The proposal aims to restore ecosystems, habitats and species in EU land and sea areas. The Member States are encouraged to establish restoration measures that cover at least 20 per cent of EU land and sea areas by 2030, and ultimately all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050.

The general approach will serve as a mandate for negotiations with the European Parliament on the final shape of the legislation.

Other important issues on the agenda

The ministers also discussed a proposal on carbon emissions standards for new heavy-duty vehicles to further reduce carbon emissions in the road transport sector in line with the EU’s climate objectives.

A proposal for a directive on air quality was also on the agenda. The Commission proposes that the EU set 2030 EU air quality standards that are better aligned with World Health Organization guidelines and would put the EU on a trajectory to achieve zero pollution for air by 2050.

Ukrainian Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Ruslan Strilets spoke via video link on the environmental consequences following the destruction of the Kakhovka dam.

The Commission provided information on the following international meetings:

  • the Triple Conference of the Parties to the Basel (COP 16), Rotterdam (COP 11) and Stockholm (COP 11) Conventions (Geneva, 1–12 May 2023);
  • the second session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-2) to Develop an International Legally Binding Instrument on Plastic Pollution (Paris, 29 May–2 June 2023);
  • the UN 2023 Water Conference in New York, 22–24 March 2023; and
  • the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 80) of the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) eighth session, (virtual, 3–7 July 2023).

The Commission provided information on a concept for the implementation of the European Hydrogen Bank’s auctions-as-a-service for Member States.

The Commission provided information on early warning reports to certain countries in accordance with EU waste legislation.

The Czech delegation provided information on the application of lower value-added tax rates for recycled products as an economic incentive to promote the circular economy.

The French and Spanish delegations provided information on policies to improve climate change adaptation.

The Italian delegation gave an update on Rome’s candidacy to host EXPO 2030.

The Spanish delegation provided information on Spain’s programme for its incoming Presidency.

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