Expert on sinusitis causes and symptoms, tips to keep sinus healthy

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It is a very common complaint at an ENT OPD that a patient typically says they have sinus but this statement itself is also a misnomer as sinus itself is a normal structure in and around our nose which is present in all human beings.

So, the presence of sinus is not a problem as they are air filled cavities in our skulls and get ventilated through small openings (Ostia) that they have.

“Problem arises when these cavities get blocked due to any reason and it gets infected or inflamed which is when called ‘sinusitis’.” Talking about the symptoms of sinusitis he said, “Mucus gets trapped inside and then increases in pressure inside the sinus causing pain.

Most patients complain of headaches, the location of which depends on the location of the sinus involved. For example, pain over eyebrows in frontal sinusitis, pain over cheek bones in maxillary sinusitis, pain exactly at the center of the head or back of the head in sphenoid sinusitis and pain around eyes in ethmoid sinusitis.”

He added, “Other main symptoms are fullness of face and head, feeling dizzy or heavy headed on stooping down, Mucus/Phlegm coming into the back of throat (post nasal drip), recurrent attacks of severe cold, foul smelling or sometimes blood-stained nasal discharge, constant stuffy or blocked nose etc.”

He asserted that it is important to understand and identify the cause of sinusitis to effectively treat them as it can be caused by a simple episode of cold or it can just be secondary sinusitis occurring due tumor or cancer or fungus in nose. Many people who have allergies, frequently develop symptoms like runny nose and nose blockage usually associated with Itchy nose and throat.

Fungal sinusitis
Even fungal sinusitis is not uncommon. It can be just superficial presence of fungus in sinus with mild sinus symptoms or life-threatening fungal infections esp. in immunocompromised individuals (e.g., diabetics, post-transplant cases etc.). We have already witnessed a sudden spurt of cases of invasive fungal sinusitis (MUCORMYCOSIS) in the recent Covid era. Many patients have nasal polyps in the nose and sinuses which lead to secondary sinusitis. Tumours/cancers in the nose and sinuses are also not uncommon. So, anyone having long standing sinus symptoms esp. With blood-stained discharge should seek immediate consultation with an ENT doctor.

Allergic and chronic sinusitis
Allergic and chronic sinusitis can be effectively managed by medical therapy alone. However, many times sinus surgery is required. Sinus Surgery (FESS- Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery) is a proven method for treating many sinus problems. Earlier detection can prevent sinus surgery.

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