Expert Shares What To Do After A Fight With Your Partner

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No two people are alike. Thus, conflicts in relationships are inevitable. At times, misunderstandings can lead to full-blown arguments.

Depending on how you react afterwards, a fight can either worsen or strengthen your relationship. Even though the aftermath of a fight can be tense, you should not act rudely just because you were in a fight. In fact, if the situation is handled maturely, one can take advantage of the situation and work on mending their relationship. To help you have a clearer picture of how to behave in certain situations, Emily H Sanders, Family and Marriage therapist, dropped a post on Instagram.

The expert in her post said, “This should be done post-argument and after the tension has died down (not while things are still spicy.) The goal is to create safety and understanding, and this will be challenging to do while things are still extremely heated.”

Share how you feel during the argument:

After the tension dies down, sit and have a mature conversation. Instead of criticizing each other, share how you felt during the argument.

Validate one another’s experience:

Do not be self-centred. Listen to the other person and try to understand their experience or perspective. “The goal is empathy.”

Share your triggers:

Let each other know about your triggers to create awareness and be mindful of them going forward. Doing so will prevent conflicts.

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