Microsoft Teams to enable phone calls; US giant partners with Airtel

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Microsoft is planning to introduce a new feature to its conference call platform Microsoft Teams — phone calls.

The US software giant has partnered with India’s Bharti Airtel to enable the feature on the computer and mobile applications. The company said in a statement that it was the first time an over-the-top player in the country will be able to connect mobile and landline users.

The statement added that the service will only be available to enterprises as of now.

“Airtel’s traditional strength of connectivity combined with Microsoft’s technology will result in reliability, cost savings, ease of management and, most importantly, scalability for all customers, ensuring that going forward they can focus solely on productivity,” Airtel IQ, Business Head, Abhishek Biswal said in the statement.

This feature entails users directly texting and calling external users through the application. The main feature is to streamline communications and collaboration within businesses.

“We are thrilled to partner with Airtel and introduce an innovative solution that will enable India’s workforce to unlock a new level of productivity, collaboration, and efficiency, transforming the future of work in the country,” Microsoft, Country Head, Modern Work & Surface, India & South Asia, Shruti Bhatia said.

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