Monsoon eye care: Tips to stay away from infections and irritation this rainy season

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Monsoon is the perfect time for making a splash in the rain but this is also the time when eye-related problems plague most people.

No matter how aware you are, someone or the other around you will go, pick up an eye infection and pass it on to you and kids, in particular, need to be taught proper hygiene, else they will spread the disease.

If you wake up to puffy, red eyes or itchiness then the chances are you could be infected with vision related problems. As it is called, prevention is better than cure hence, a little care of your eyes can go a long way in preventing infections and keep your eyes healthy so that you can enjoy the monsoon season.

“Monsoon comes with high levels of humidity which is the primary reason for many eye infections like allergies, conjunctivitis (Eye flu), stye and corneal ulcers. So proper eye care precautions should be a priority during monsoons which are usually based on hygiene.”

She advised, “Both children and adults should avoid touching their eyes without washing their hands. One should be careful in public places like swimming pools/water parks as they are known to be the breeding grounds for many infections.

People who have red eyes should avoid going to these areas to prevent the spread of infection. Also, avoid sharing personal hygiene items like handkerchiefs, towels and napkins to prevent transmission of infection. Protective goggles and sunglasses are recommended.”

Dr Julie cautioned, “Children should avoid jumping in puddles and water-logged areas as they might accidentally splash water into their eyes which may contain many bacteria, viruses and fungus.

In case of redness, irritation, itching, painful lump on eyelid (stye) it is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist and avoid self-medication with over-the-counter drugs as they may contain steroids which may be harmful.”

She recommended, “Due to the soggy and moist conditions, store your eye make ups in dry and cool places and remember to wash your brush applicators after every use as they can transfer microorganisms into a product in the rainy season.

In case of contact lens use, it is advisable to keep your contact lens clean and change the contact lens solution frequently. We should avoid too much screen time as they cause dry eye-related problems. It is important to make a visit to the park, outdoor in crowded places and enjoy the rains.”

Adding to the list of monsoon eye care tips to stay away from infections and irritation or keep eye infections at bay this rainy season, Dr Kamal B Kapur, Medical Director and Co-Founder of Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals, suggested:

1. Don’t touch/rub your eyes with dirty hands. Wash your hands frequently.

2. Keep children away from puddles and waterlogged areas. Kids often like to have fun in or around such places but they are highly bacteria prone and can infect our eyes.

3. If you get drenched in the rain, remember to wash your eyes with clean water and pat dry the sides of your eyes ASAP.

4. High humidity in monsoon causes a lot of sweating. Never do a mistake of wiping your face especially the area around eyes with a handkerchief because it’s usually not that clean. Use a tissue paper instead.

5. Don’t share your eyecare belongings like contact lens solutions/containers, towels, and handkerchiefs with others.

6. If you wear contact lenses, clean them thoroughly and try not to use them when you have an eye infection.

7. Avoid eye makeup when you have an eye infection.

8. Wear sunglasses or caps when you go outside.

9. When going for a swim, see that the swimming pool and the area around it is absolutely clean as bacterial infections lurk around unhygienic pools multi-fold during monsoon.

Meanwhile, in spite of all the possible measures if you still notice any symptoms of an eye infection, please don’t self medicate by going to the chemist and asking for eye drops. Go and see an ophthalmologist.

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