Simple change can help you cut back on how much wine you’re drinking

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DRINKING from smaller glasses helps to cut wine consumption, a study says.

Plonk-loving Brits drank two-thirds of a bottle less per household each month when they used 290ml glasses at home instead of 350ml ones. Buying smaller bottles did not have the same effect.

Cambridge University study author Dr Eleni Mantzari said: “It might seem like common sense but it could have gone either way. “People drinking from smaller glasses may have thought they could have another one or two because they are only small.”

But each household involved in the research saw their wine intake drop 500ml per month. Dr Mantzari said: “When you give people larger glasses, they tend to pour more out and so they drink more.”

The trial, published in the journal Addiction, tested how glass and bottle size changed drinking habits in 217 households that usually guzzle at least four 750ml bottles a month. Heavy drinking is a major public health problem in the UK, with a fifth of adults said to be quaffing enough to raise their risk of developing liver disease and cancer.

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