Successful business enterprise, Loan approval, tender approval & partnerships

Om Sham Shanishraya Devta Namah

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For any kind of Business to be successful, the main requirement is a Smooth flow of MONEY

Saturn (Any source except Government)
Mars (Loan from Relatives)
Saturn+Mars+ Sun (Loan from Government Bank)
SUCCESFUL LOAN APPROVAL denoted by Positive Mars, Saturn/Sun placement in 6th or 8th or even 2nd house)

Disclaimer: Views expressed below are my own findings and opinions. I DO NOT WISH OR INTENT to neither CHALLENGE nor offend anybody’s views or any traditional texts

Tender/Contract APPROVAL
Tender Approval is denoted by Saturn, Rahu ( sudden gains), if connected to Sun, then Government Contract

Saturn+Rahu is Tender Approval with POLITICAL SUPPORT in 5,6,8,10,11
Saturn+Sun+Rahu ( Sun is Powerful, BIG GOVERNMENT CONTRACT 5,6,8,10,11
Saturn is EXALTED or very powerful, then PRIVATE CONTRACT
Saturn+Mars (Mars is Very Strong), CONTRACT WITH HELP OF RELATIVES

For SUCCESFUL PARTNERSHIP( without Fraud/Cheating)
8th house should have very POSITIVE MARS (Exalted or in Good Sign with Strong Lord)
8th house, should NOT BE under influence of Negative SATURN or Negative RAHU

If the 8th House has a Very Positive VENUS/MOON,

NOTE: Be careful of KETU, it destroys/Ruins EVERYTHING

Vedic Astro Tantrika – Nandinnie Sachidanad can be contacted at +91 81782 12102 for consultation with a prior appointment.

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