Try these very powerful Ayurveda herbs and remedies to achieve holistic wellness

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Holistic wellness is when your physical, emotional and intellectual beings are in synergy and in good health where wellness starts with awareness of your body.

Its thoughts, desires and actions; listening to it and recognising various signs it gives of comfort and discomfort. With our busy lives this non-awareness increases and coupled with the constant exposure to toxins of different types, our wellness gets disturbed and in this regard, Ayurvedic remedies follow a non-fragmented approach hence, are holistic.

Ayurveda is a medical system from India that has been used for thousands of years whose goal is to cleanse the body and to restore balance to the body, mind and spirit by using diet, herbal medicines, exercise, meditation, breathing, physical therapy and other methods. Ayurveda experts believe that most health conditions can be healed naturally without the need for conventional medicines or invasive procedures.

“As the pharma world is getting so medicinal, the evolution of health science has taken the opportunity these days to formulate the remedies of mother earth into a holistic wellness industry. Our ancestors always used the benefits of desi masalas, roots, powders and had their own ways and tricks to solve a lot of health issues. From your pepper and cloves fixing cold and coughs to your earthly roots and leaves to fix constipation. Our grandmothers had it all in their books.”

He added, “Now switching to 2022 , these grandmother formulations are now well researched and evidence backed by experts. Ayurveda is a proven system for hormonal and many other health beneficiaries if used for a long term.” He revealed 3 very powerful Ayurvedic herbs which have taken over its holistic effect in the market:

1. Triphala

This combination of 3 fruits add individual benefits, making Triphala a super immunity booster. Triphala is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat various health conditions such as diabetes, chronic fever, constipation and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Triphala is a rich source of tannins, flavonoids, vitamin C and phytochemicals. It also exhibits anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties and removes free radicals from your body cells. Consuming Triphala improves your body’s ability to stimulate antibodies during a foreign invasion. You can consume Triphala with hot water. Triphala and Yastimadhu are a great combination that can be taken with honey.

2. Guduchi

Guduchi’s immunomodulator properties make it an essential immunity booster. It effectively builds your body’s immunity against fever, respiratory tract diseases, and gastrointestinal conditions such as jaundice, fatty liver and worm infestations.

Regular consumption of Guduchi keeps respiratory ailments away by soothing the mucous membrane that layers the respiratory tract. Guduchi is also beneficial for the digestive tract and promotes liver functions, you can consume this by mixing Guduchi juice with water and consume it daily in the morning.

3. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha, apart from the sexual beneficiaries of libido and vitality this herb improves cell, mediates immunity and increases the body’s resilience towards disease causing agents. Having antioxidant properties allows it to remove free radicals from your body and prevent cell damage. The best way to have this is with half glass milk and adrak 1/2 piece to improve its effectiveness.

Amul S Bahl, Inventor and Director of Yogic Naturals, asserted, “Ayurveda looks at individuals in their entirety, rather than examining health issues in isolation i.e. a root cause focused approach. Emerging technologies in Ayurveda Nanocellpathy are leading the way in having standardized products with high regard to safety and proven efficacy. Ayurveda Nanocellopathy is blending the efficacy of traditional knowledge and the healing power of nature through scientific validation in line with modern testing and protocols. Ayurveda Nanocellopathy has developed topical use Ayurvedic solutions for different ailments where the need for ingesting medicines and herbs is reduced dramatically.”

He added, “Increasing the life span is one thing but to live a long life healthily is what Ayurveda aims for. The equation is simple. Holistic medicine goes beyond the mind-body connection. It is more of a lifestyle approach that finds and maintains holistic health and wellness. All parts of a person’s life, i.e., physical healing, mental health, emotional well-being, and spiritual beliefs are considered. A person can achieve holistic wellness through this approach if he or she learns the importance of tending to relationships, caring for environments, being compassionate, and accepting differences among a diverse population of people.”

According to him, some of the key initiatives that an individual can take are:

Right thinking and being non-intrusive in others’ lives

Enjoying simplicity truly and fundamentally; this reduces the impact of stress in your life that when

seen scientifically reduces the constant impact of the Cortisol hormone

Being in tune with nature and its natural processes- wake up, sleep, eating patterns

Acceptance and being grateful (not to give gyaan to others but truly believe in this dictum)

Never over eat and burden your digestive system (the gut is your second brain)

Using polyblend herbal oil serums to support the body in instances of discomfort

Drinking adequate water at appropriate times

Eating seasonal fruits and vegetables

Moderation is the key in thinking, eating, drinking and sleeping. This will bring harmony in your life and it will no longer be lopsided.

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