Are you trying to get pregnant? You might wonder whether there’s anything you can do to make it easier to conceive.
Each moment awaiting the result of a pregnancy test can feel like hours on end. When the result is negative, women find themselves in the depths of despair and disappointment. However, difficulty in conceiving a baby has become a common struggle for many women across the world.
According to the facts – infertility affects about 10 to 14 percent of the Indian population and rates are high in the urban areas.
Some things might be beyond your control or need medical help. These include medical issues that affect being able to conceive. However, your lifestyle choices can affect fertility too.
Aim for a moderate weightHaving overweight or underweight may affect the fertility by affecting your menstrual cycle, particularly ovulation.
Limit or avoid alcohol when trying to conceiveHeavy drinking is linked with a higher risk of problems. When you’re trying to get pregnant, stop drinking alcohol.
Avoid smokingSmoking is affects fertility to a large extent .Smoking causes diminish ovarian reserve , affects the quality of eggs . In males it decreases the sperm count and affects the quality of sperm as well . If you smoke, please try to cut down and gradually stop smoking while trying to get pregnant.
Eat foods rich in antioxidantsAntioxidants may help deactivate free radicals in your body, which can damage both sperm and egg cells. If you want to increase your antioxidant intake, consider adding more fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains to your diet.
Start omega-3 fatty acidsEating healthy fats every day is important for boosting fertility and overall health. Omega-3 fatty acids may be helpful for increasing fertility. You can find this healthy fat in many foods, like fatty fish , walnuts and chia seeds.
Limit caffeineDrinking less than 200 milligrams a day of caffeine doesn’t seem to affect being able to conceive. This amount is one or two cups of coffee a day.
Manage Stress EffectivelyTrying to conceive can bring added stress to your life. There are some papers supporting that stress affects fertility. However, stress can affect your periods, which may affect your fertility.
Take Prenatal VitaminsPrenatal vitamins are specifically designed multivitamin supplements that provide the body with the required dose of daily vitamins before and during pregnancy. The two fertility boosting nutrients are folic acid and Vitamin D, ensure their levels are good.
Get activeExercise has many health benefits, including increased fertility. Increasing moderate physical activity has positive effects on both female and male fertility, especially for those with obesity. Please Don’t exercise too hard or too long.
Track Ovulation CycleFertility peaks during the time of ovulation. Thus, it is necessary to know when the body is ovulating to increase the chances of getting pregnant. By monitoring the cycle through an ovulation tracking kit, one can track ovulation.