Want A Healthy, Long-Lasting Relationship With Your Partner? Experts Share Tips

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If you have been pondering about the qualities that most men like in a girl when he is weighing her as a potential girlfriend or even wife, you have come to the right link.

As we might give some clarity on what men want or what exactly do guys look for in their partner. With less than a month to go for Valentine’s Day, it seems like everybody is giving out dating and relationship advice these days but chances are, its probably not what you think!

While there are plenty of informative texts and videos on what women look for in men, we got two relationship experts on board to get a greater insight into what’s going on in men’s heads and to know more about.

Them for better dating experience and true to expectations, they spilled the beans for girls to help them date responsibly. Though the differences in what women want in men and what men want in women are nuanced, they can help you work on things to create a harmonious relationship and get rid of some of the common sources of conflicts.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Life Coach Sheetal Shaparia lists:

1. A stereotypical perspective would suggest that physical appeal and intimacy are the only qualities men want in a woman. Although this may not be true for all “men,” it may be true for immature “boys.”

2. Smartness, boldness and confidence are all qualities that mature men admire in a woman.

3. Men admire women who are intelligent and capable of being self-sufficient.

4. Someone who can support them through highs and lows, who has a nurturing nature and can care for them like a mother and remain by their side as a best friend.

5. Most men put on a tough face while being soft on the inside. Hence, they require someone who can appreciate their gentleness in order to open up to that one woman and express himself without the fear of being judged.

6. Men, above all, seek a lady who appreciates and accepts him and his family for who they are.

Busting some common myths on what men want, Jyotsna Ahuja, Founder of The White Space revealed, “It is not being loved but being the beloved that makes a man truly himself.

No man is ever going to feel fully seen if the woman cares for him by being the caretaker. It is being seen as an equal – neither less than nor on a pedestal – that makes a man feel he truly belongs.”

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