Why Bladder Cancer Is More Common In Men, Risks And Symptoms? Expert Comment

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Bladder cancer is more prevalent in men than in women. The gender bias is evident in the development of cancer of the bladder in males.

Having a family member with bladder cancer also slightly increases your risk. Age is a major risk factor, with bladder cancer being more common in people over the age of 55 years. Another significant contributing factor is smoking, one of the biggest risk factors for bladder cancer. Chemicals from tobacco can accumulate in the urine and damage the lining of the bladder. With men having higher smoking rates than women, this makes them prone to bladder cancer.

Other factors that may put men at higher risk of bladder cancer include adhering to a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. People working in industries are also at higher risk of developing bladder cancer as they are continuously exposed to certain industrial chemicals (which are carcinogenic) commonly used in dye, rubber, leather, textiles, and paint industries. These risk factors are associated with increasing the risk of bladder cancer for both men and women.

However, men with their genetic predisposition, with other risk factors associated, are more vulnerable to developing cancer of the bladder than women. In women, it is considered that their hormonal differences protect them from developing this type of cancer.

The major symptom is in the form of passing blood in the urine (hematuria), especially blood clots, which may appear bright red or cola-coloured. Some may experience episodes of frequent urination, painful urination, and back pain.

The diagnosis of bladder cancer begins with a combination of tests and procedures. Your physician will usually order some investigations in the form of ultrasound, urine tests, and blood tests, which will indicate the cause of the symptoms. They may also ask for imaging tests, cystoscopy, and biopsy to confirm and assess the extent of the cancer in your body. So, if you notice blood in your urine or experience persistent urinary symptoms, consult your doctor immediately for a thorough evaluation. Regular check-ups and prompt attention to symptoms are key for early detection and successful treatment of bladder cancer.

While bladder cancer is more common in men, it is important to understand that both men and women can develop the disease. Therefore, everyone should be aware of the risks and symptoms. Quitting smoking is the most important step to take to prevent your risk, followed by making healthy adjustments to your lifestyle habits.

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