Why Women Need Twice As Much Sex As Men

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The One Difference Between The Male and Female Brain That Most People Don’t Know About, And How It Could Be Hurting Your Relationships

Have you ever been in a failed relationship?

Did you often feel like your partner didn’t ‘get’ you?

When you research the top reasons for relationships and marriages falling apart, two of the most common are:

‘lack of communication’

‘differences in libido’.

There is also a common misconception that men want sex more than women. This is completely untrue and I’ll explain the science behind why in this article (along with how to level the playing field when it comes to sex drive).

And with respect to ‘lack of communication’ — it’s NOT that there isn’t ENOUGH communication…

it’s that men and women don’t understand HOW each of their brains work.

I’m going to simplify the neuroscience so that you:

  • understand how your brain works
  • how your partner’s brain works,
  • and how to use this understanding to enhance your relationships.
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